
My other YouTube channel is called DevThread and is a place for programming demonstrations and tutorials. Tutorials on the channel will involve learning the programming languages C#, VB.NET, Java, and more. There will also be tutorials for web developement, Minecraft modding, and more. Videos will be available that tell about different resources to help make programming and developing easier. Currently The only tutorials I have available are for C# but more will be provided soon.


The DevThread Community has a Discord server for anyone to join. There are many resources available on the server such as programmers to help you with problems and share code with. There is support on the server for many programming languages including VB.NET, C#, HTML, Java, and more. I also share with the server many resources that I find that make progamming and developing easier or more manageable. Click here to join the DevThread Community Discord Server.


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
None 2pm EST - Web Design Tutorials None 2pm EST - Programming Resources None 2pm EST - C# Tutorial None


Uploads Programming Resources C# Tutorials